The Export Question: Designing Policy for British Columbia Electricity Trade

February 10, 2011

The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions released a White Paper today that I wrote with University of Victoria grad student Amy Sopinka.  The report analyzes the Government of British Columbia’s new strategy to become a net exporter in electricity trade.  This new initiative promises to promote economic development and contribute to greenhouse gas reductions in other jurisdictions. The report highlights significant uncertainties in the market for BC electricity exports, and identifies major gaps in the policy framework. In particular, the policy framework does not require that electricity projects are a net benefit to British Columbians, and the planning process is not adequate to address the environmental and social risks of the project.

To view the media release from PICS, go here.

To view the full paper, The Export Question: Designing Policy for British Columbia Electricity Trade, go here

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One Response to The Export Question: Designing Policy for British Columbia Electricity Trade

  1. Byron Bona says:

    I noted that Damien Gillis debated with the BC Hydro CEO, Cobb on CBC Almanac. Other than that, CBC and other media outlets, have been “quiet” much to my frustration and disgust. The media are there to present the facts, supposedly…but this is no longer the case. I contacted Connect with Mark Kelly with reference to the bankruptcy of BC Hydro and rising rates. I mentioned, Rafe Mair, and provided a link to Erik Andersen on the “questionable” accounting practices of BC Hydro. No reply and no reporting on the TV program. We can do documentary blurbs on North African and Middle East dictators, but no mention of the “undemocratic” practices that flush our system…the BC Liberals and Harpers Conservatives…both over the last number of years (5 to 10).

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